Express control Ltd.

Express control Ltd.

Express control Ltd.

Supervision, design and legalizing construction


Construction supervision and other services related to the construction "Express Control" Ltd. Company is authorized to carry out construction supervision in construction, holding license № LK - 000 362 from 12.05.2005 issued by Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. Our mission is to monitor and protect the interests of our customers and ensure proper execution of the construction works, compliance all legal and technical requirements in the construction process.

Construction supervision ensure quality performance and maximum customer satisfaction of the final product and smooth commissioning of the operation of a documentary point of view.

 supervision and monitoring construction process for lawful initiation, implementation and completion of construction;

 monitor the full and correct compiling and composing documents and protocols during construction;

 monitor accurate performance of the work in accordance with the approved investment project and the essential requirements for construction works;

 control over the safety conditions, according to the project of construction organization;

 protection of the environment during the execution of the work;

 quality of used building materials and products and their compliance with safety regulations;

 prevent damage to third persons and property due to construction;

 proper implementation of construction - installation works;

 Opening of construction site granted 2A and certify the order book;

 Company is responsible for the suitability of the construction for the introduction into service in accordance with Regulation №2 / 31.07.2003 for commissioning of the construction of the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and the minimum warranty periods for finished construction works, facilities and construction objects;

 Company is contracting authority during construction, if authorized to do so;

 After completion of the rough building certification of Act 14;

 preparation of the technical passport of the building;

 After completion of construction, drafting conclusive act of art. 176 TDA (Act 15);

 Technical passport of art. 176;

 Prepare a final report to the NCSD, RDNCC or municipality Art. 177 TDA (Act 16);

 carry out the necessary contacts to make Callback act. 16;

 support the activities of receiving commission for issuing Permition for use or Certificate of commissioning.
Conformity assessment of investment projects
The process of the construction begins with a preliminary research, preparation of project documentation, control of the design and subsequent coordination of the projects with the relevant bodies.
Initially, the team of "Express Control" Ltd. assess the conformity of investment projects acc. Article 142, Paragraph 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the TDA. Our specialists of all necessary parts reviewe the project and give their opinions on:

 legality of the existing buildings on the property;

 legality of the plan (design visa) with defined way of construction issued in accordance with the effective detailed urban plan;

 compliance of preliminary research and conceptual design;

 obeying requirments and the existing regulations for exploration and design and BDS and Eurocodes at the time of preparation of the project;

 Completeness and structural compliance of the engineering and other calculations according regulatory requirements, and when calculations are performed using software - complete input-output data and the data of the company, which has developed a licensed software product

 compliance with the safety requirements of the project, which include: solidity, fire safety, hygiene, environmental protection, heat saving energy, labor safety during the construction by working project of construction;

 consistency of the project with all the specialized control bodies and operating enterprises depending on the type of construction;

 consistency between the different parts of the project;

 verifying the proper plant design and engineering systems;

 check the completeness of project documentation;

 check issued preliminary contracts of Accession operating companies

If desired by the customer team "Control Express" Ltd. can perform also the following services:

1. Coherent project documentation with the operating companies, assisting our clients in conclusioning contracts with the operating companies:
2. Coherent project documentation with control bodies assisting them in issuing instructions for proecting and we do consult the whole process of the approved projects.